The Bharath International School (CBSE) is nestled in a serene village just 5 km from Nagercoil, providing students with a nurturing environment that fosters moral, disciplined, and ethical development. At TBIS, education is more than academics—it's a personal journey of growth. We empower students to explore their potential, engage with their community, and embrace a world of limitless possibilities. Each class contributes to a unique learning experience that encourages self-discovery, embraces diversity, and inspires students to believe in their ability to create meaningful change in the world
To make students a community of lifelong learners, responsible global citizens, and champions of their own success.
The schools mission is to foster a learning environment where education is the culmination of the natural progression of a child’s world view and not merely an academic reflection. We strive to sculpt our students into true scholars.
What Parents and Students Say About Bharath CBSE School